The above words are some of the simplest of the English language and nowadays a "please" and "thank you" may be hard to come by, but coming from my little guy, these words are like music to my ears. Over the last couple months his vocabulary and comprehension of things has increased so much, sometimes I am caught off guard by it. He understands that to politely ask for something he must say please but it's more of a "peaze" and when given what he desires, a thank you follows but he's also put his own twist on that word with it sounding more like a "tankoo." I am trying my best to record him when he speaks, because it is one of the cutest things. Hopefully I can get that down soon, but these days when I have the camera in hand to record something he's more interested in being the cameraman himself which you'll see from the pictures below. Lately though I have learned it is easier to shoot pictures if I say, "Can you pose for the camera and say cheese?" He will kindly say the word "cheese" and give his best impression of a model-like pose. This is what he did for me when I asked him to pose a couple weeks ago.
And here he is being photographer like mom. Since he had the camera, I had to use my phone to take the picture.
The hubby and I have so much fun with him everyday. We love sharing, showing and teaching him all sorts of new things. Here is one of the more fun activities we can get him to do. (And please ignore my prompting during the video. You will see he was pretty distracted and I was lucky to get him to cooperate as much as he did. When I replayed the video, I was surprised I wasn't moving the camera in the motion I was urging him to do. You can just imagine what I'm doing on the other side of the camera.)