Monday, February 10, 2014

A Walk to End Lupus Now

In the past I've talked about how lucky I am to have my sister, and just when I think she can't be more amazing she goes and outdoes herself again. With the five year anniversary of my mom's passing coming up this April, she has come up with a way to honor our mother's memory by becoming involved with the Lupus Foundation of America. In late March we will participate in San Antonio's Walk to End Lupus Now, a signature event of the Foundation which raises funds for education, support services, programs and research.

Now, as a mom myself I see the strength a mother holds to do the very best for her family day in and day out, and I marvel even more when I think about my mom. I marvel at how she not only maintained that motherly strength for my sister and me, but that she also did that on top of enduring her daily struggles with Lupus. I only wish we had known more about the Foundation and its outreach, because I know on some days my mother felt as though she was the only one battling her condition. It would have provided a little comfort to be connected with programs or others with the disease and hopefully the funds we raise can do more to educate those affected by it along with their families.

The walk is taking place on Saturday, March 22 at 10 a.m at Brooks City Base and if you're in the San Antonio area and would like to join us, please come out and participate. It will not only be a good way to support the Foundation, but it will be a fun time to remember our mother. If she was here with us today I could just hear her say, "Oh Jenny and Jacquelyn, I'm going to need a wheelchair, tan locas if you think I can walk all of that." She would have loved to participate, but she knew her limitations. I know of course some of you are too far away to join us, but if you would like to help with a contribution you can make a donation in my mother's name. My sister set a goal to raise $1,000, and she is a little more than halfway there. She created a page on the Foundation's website, and you can go here to check it out,


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

What does the cow say?

According to Kylie, not "Moo" but "Mmmm." And when you ask her what goes quack she replies with an energetic, "Duck," which makes me laugh, because her level of enthusiasm for that answer equals what yours or mine would be if we were answering a million dollar question. I guess that is one of the best parts about the stage she's in--the excitement and joy for all the new things no matter how big or small. Right now her biggest thrill is standing up and taking a few steps on her own. The most she has done is about five to eight steps, and those few steps have her smiling so big, giggling pretty hard and panting as if she just jogged five to eight yards instead of walked. Part of me is so ready for her to "step" into this first only because she is getting too heavy for me to carry, but I know the moment she begins walking I'll feel a tiny bit sad. Sad because it's just the beginning of her not being so dependent on mommy anymore.

As it is she is already so opinionated and she's only one. I know you think I might be exaggerating, but the hubby can confirm this as well, only he doesn't so much think of it as being opinionated but rather a tendency to be sassy. For example, at bedtime we read two to three short stories, but she has to give them the ok. Her acceptance and rejection system consists of leaning over the arm of the rocking chair while I hold up a book from the pile sitting nearby and she'll either: 1) sit back on my lap and hold Ele the Elephant (her sleeping pal) close to her to prepare for the story or 2) shake her head no and give it a slight swat away with her arm if it doesn't make the cut. She's just like her daddy in that way cut and dry, to the point and no hesitation with the decision-making. It almost makes me laugh when he calls this stuff sassy, because all I see is him. Like him, she knows what she likes and has no problem letting you know and how can you not give in to a sweet face like this.

Her first ponytail, even if it is a tiny one.

Big girl standing up

She can help with simple tasks and during bath time she loves to splash herself and wash her hair.

Looking for something while on our walk, but she needed two pairs of binoculars in case one didn't work.

Kindergarten. We came, we saw, we are conquering (or in my case coping)

Well, we did it. We survived the start of kindergarten, we are six weeks in to be exact and moving right along like a well-oiled, sight-word...