Sunday, January 29, 2012

Are You Tough Enough?

Apparently the hubby is.

Yesterday he competed in one of the most physically grueling races--a Tough Mudder. If you're unfamiliar with it, it is a 12 mile course consisting of obstacles designed to test one's strength and endurance. Participants are asked to scale walls, swim, crawl and even take electrical shock to make it to the end, and just looking at Tough Mudder's Web site these obstacles are not for the occasional exerciser.

But being the confident, cool cucumber that he is the only evidence I have of his participation, besides pictures, are the war wounds he sustained from drudging through this course. Aside from some scratches, bruises and a tender ankle, he says he is not sore at all which is good for his almost 34-year old body.

It was fun watching him prepare for this on two counts. First off, it takes a lot to get him excited about something and who wants to get excited about running 12 miles with the possibility of getting electrocuted. Well he and the five friends he participated with decided to accessorize themselves with the creepiest, or funniest in their opinion, thing you can imagine. Mustaches. Yes, Mustache Ride as they called themselves decided man's hairy best friend would help them scale, crawl, and swim whatever came their way. And who can the wives thank for seeing their men grow out these lovely things? My hubby of course. But I can't complain though, because like I said this was part of the fun of watching him prepare.

The second thing I enjoyed was just watching him have fun with it in general. I know a big part of what he has enjoyed about his career is the camaraderie he builds with work friends so it was fun to see and hear the stories of him getting a taste of that at this event. He will downplay how much he looked forward to this but for someone who didn't seem too excited, he certainly went out of his way to make sure his team was prepared. He hosted and cooked a pasta dinner for his teammates and their families. I didn't have to lift too much of a finger. I only prepared bruschetta, because selfishly I've always wanted to make it and since a big group was coming, I had the perfect excuse.

So there you have it. The mustache appearance from my blog post of a couple weeks ago stemmed from one of his crazy ideas.

Here is Mustache Ride the night before the event...

and after, they all survived...

and the creepy man behind the vision.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Girlfriends...Can't Live With Them, Unfortunately, and Most Certainly Can't Live Without Them

Earlier this month I had the rarest of opportunities--a chance to spend a fun-filled weekend with a few girlfriends. Sadly not all of them were there, but it was still just as enjoyable and before the weekend was over we were already discussing next year and how we would get the rest of the gang together. The last time I was able to indulge in a girls weekend the fun came to me with everyone trekking to Chicago, but this time I got to get away.

And where you ask was my man-free weekend located. Call me crazy, but I ventured out to another one of the coldest cities in the country--Denver. I know I sound like a weenie, and it actually wasn't bad at all. That particular destination was chosen since my friend Megan lives there. The few of us who went thought it would be fun to check out the slopes of Breckenridge, and even though Megan just completed her first full year of living in Denver this past December, she knows the slopes of Breckenridge like the back of her hand. For the last year, she's been frequenting the various ski towns outside of Denver having taken up snowboarding, and to these skiing-novice eyes she looked like a pro to me. And not only do I have one friend who knows her way around a snow-capped mountain, but I found out my friend Jen is closet ski bunny. Prior to arriving there she mentioned it had been about four years since she last skied, but as soon as she zipped down for her first run her ski legs quickly came back to her and she too looked like a seasoned skier. My other friend Neely who has never skied before took a lesson that first day we arrived and being as athletic as she is, she had no problem picking up the proper form and venturing out for a few runs. I, on the other hand, am a big scaredy-cat when it comes to skiing and I'm perfectly happy sticking to the user-friendly green runs. It had been over 10 years since I last skied and I should have also taken a lesson to get rid of a little bit of my nerves, but luckily I came back home with everything intact.

The mountains looked amazing and we enjoyed more of the view along with a little bit of shopping on our last day there. Megan is on the far right, Jen is in the red jacket and Neely is to the left of her. I have known these girls since my freshman of year in college.

And although I enjoyed every bit of the weekend, I dearly missed my little guy. I got a little teary when I said goodbye to him, and I had prepped him so much for my departure that he did not even bat an eye when it was time for me to go. In fact the morning I left he was getting ready to watch one of his favorite shows and as I was trying to get the show started for him he was already telling me, "OK mommy go bye, bye." I guess he didn't want anymore delays to the start of his day. Luckily the week before my trip, daddy gave him a hair cut so he was looking extra cute, and I had this picture to hold me over until I could squeeze him and his cheeks again.

New Blog Reads

I added a couple of new blogs to "My List" located on the left hand side of your screen. Skinny Runner and Skinny Taste were shared by two different girlfriends and I'm glad they shared these because even though I maintain my own blog I'm not good about finding other new and interesting ones. The first, Skinny Runner, not only provides informative and motivational tips for the runner in you (if that's what you're in to, of course) but she shares stories and ideas about other forms of exercising she embarks on. One thing I recently learned and started doing is to use only one ear bud while listening to music during my run. It's seems so simple, but I never really gave much thought to that prior to reading it on her blog. There's been a couple of news stories recently about missing runners so it's good to keep that in mind especially if you run before sun up. I also just began following her blog so I'm not sure if she has ever shared her faves when it comes to running with music, but by the looks of it she seems like a real gung ho runner. I mean the kind that enjoys and prefers to receive her runner's high by taking in the sights and sounds of her surroundings. Kudos to those of you who can do that, but I think that's for the birds. When I run I want to listen to something that gets me moving, because as many of you know I do enjoy cutting a rug or two. A few friends have asked me about my running play list, and I will share some of my preferred music in a later post. Until that time I encourage you to check out Skinny Runner if you enjoy exercising and seek ideas and inspiration for training.

Skinny Taste is a blog maintained by a completely different author and her main goal is to provide good and healthy food options. She provides recipes for everything from appetizers, breakfast, dinner, sides, even vegetarian options. I mentioned a girlfriend of mine shared this site with me and my other friends, and I am so grateful for the knowledge she shares when it comes to food for two reasons: you all know how dear food is to me so I love the new things she finds, plus the family benefits from it too as it keeps me from getting into a cooking rut.

Several months ago she shared a recipe that could rouse anyone out of their monotonous cooking routine. It not only sounded tasty but its presentation looked so polished, so nice in fact it looked like something ordered from a high-end restaurant, that I just had to try it myself. And the funny thing is, it was actually really easy to make. I made skinny meatloaf cupcakes with mashed potato toppings, and they not only tasted good but were the cutest darn things. You can find Skinny Taste's version here, And this is how my version turned out.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Parents Gone Wild, Part 2

So last weekend, the hubby and I participated in another episode of Parents Gone Wild, but this time around it took place much closer to home and it was all in the name of celebrating some birthdays. Several of our friends here have January birthdays so my friend Al came up with the idea of painting Corpus red by having a night out on the town with dinner, drinks and dancing. You know, the best combination to have. Anyhow, we enjoyed a delicious dinner at a downtown restaurant and then headed over to a concert to see the 80's cover band (another way you can't go wrong), the Spazmatics. This was our second time seeing them and they did not let us down. All of us had fun, maybe a little too much, but like I said it was all in the name of birthday celebrations.

What is wrong with the following picture? 1.) We're all moms, and by the look on our faces it doesn't seem like we should be having this much fun. 2.) Some of us are holding drinks in our hands which is verifiable proof that we are having too much fun. 3.) At the time the picture was taken it was either past or close to some of our bedtimes so you know things were going downhill there. And 4.) The only things missing to make the picture even better were our hubbies, but I know all of them preferred to stay out of the shot.

Here is the hubby with two of the birthday girls. Al is on the left and the one we can thank for our night of fun. You might also notice the strange growth going on with the hubby's facial hair. In all of our time together, I have never seen him with a full mustache and goatee. He is doing it all in the name of fitness which I can't explain about now but more will come in a later post. Until then, you can get a laugh at his new look.

A Different Kind of Storm

I know it's been quite a while since my last update but I'm taking solace and crossing my fingers in the hope that many of you can relate to me when I say the holiday season whirlwind got to me. I'm referring to that period of time between Thanksgiving and Christmas, when the days and weeks move at lightning speed and you suddenly find there is not enough time to get the holiday add-ons done on top of the normal everyday things, i.e., decorating the home with all the Christmas decor, shopping for gifts and the obligatory wrapping of said gifts, creating and mailing Christmas cards, attending holiday parties and whatever else you might try to squeeze in to your already tight schedule.

But rest assured this new update is proof that I did survive Holiday Whirlwind 2011. And I know I may sound like I just barely survived and I'm relieved to be out of the swirling madness that goes into preparing for the holidays, but don't let that fool you. I actually love the rush and hustle and bustle of last minute preparations. There's something about rubbing elbows with other procrastinators that really gets me into the Christmas spirit. Of course the icing on the cake to all of this is the time we get to spend with family and friends, and now that we're in Texas we get a double dose of it at both Thanksgiving and Christmas.

And just when I think things can't get any better in watching Braedan grow and embrace his environment, he does something new which makes me want to freeze those few moments just to enjoy them a little more. It was so fun watching him during this past holiday season and it only makes me look forward to the years to come.

Braedan taking an up-close look at the help he put in to decorating our tree.

He also participated in another program at school.

The hubby's Uncle, Uncle Bob, visited us during this time and Braedan loved spending time with him. (By the way, Uncle Bob he asks about you pretty much everyday.)

We spent time with our San Antonio family and Braedan is here with Grandpa, Great Grandma and his Great Aunts.

We also made time to visit with the best girlfriends I know. Here we are with our little ones, with a few missing. Two of these gals even flew in for a quick overnight trip just to spend time with us. Thank you Meg and Stef for taking the time to do that.

And while visiting with the girls, my friend Jen caught our two little men having their own private jam session.

Kindergarten. We came, we saw, we are conquering (or in my case coping)

Well, we did it. We survived the start of kindergarten, we are six weeks in to be exact and moving right along like a well-oiled, sight-word...