Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Different Kind of Storm

I know it's been quite a while since my last update but I'm taking solace and crossing my fingers in the hope that many of you can relate to me when I say the holiday season whirlwind got to me. I'm referring to that period of time between Thanksgiving and Christmas, when the days and weeks move at lightning speed and you suddenly find there is not enough time to get the holiday add-ons done on top of the normal everyday things, i.e., decorating the home with all the Christmas decor, shopping for gifts and the obligatory wrapping of said gifts, creating and mailing Christmas cards, attending holiday parties and whatever else you might try to squeeze in to your already tight schedule.

But rest assured this new update is proof that I did survive Holiday Whirlwind 2011. And I know I may sound like I just barely survived and I'm relieved to be out of the swirling madness that goes into preparing for the holidays, but don't let that fool you. I actually love the rush and hustle and bustle of last minute preparations. There's something about rubbing elbows with other procrastinators that really gets me into the Christmas spirit. Of course the icing on the cake to all of this is the time we get to spend with family and friends, and now that we're in Texas we get a double dose of it at both Thanksgiving and Christmas.

And just when I think things can't get any better in watching Braedan grow and embrace his environment, he does something new which makes me want to freeze those few moments just to enjoy them a little more. It was so fun watching him during this past holiday season and it only makes me look forward to the years to come.

Braedan taking an up-close look at the help he put in to decorating our tree.

He also participated in another program at school.

The hubby's Uncle, Uncle Bob, visited us during this time and Braedan loved spending time with him. (By the way, Uncle Bob he asks about you pretty much everyday.)

We spent time with our San Antonio family and Braedan is here with Grandpa, Great Grandma and his Great Aunts.

We also made time to visit with the best girlfriends I know. Here we are with our little ones, with a few missing. Two of these gals even flew in for a quick overnight trip just to spend time with us. Thank you Meg and Stef for taking the time to do that.

And while visiting with the girls, my friend Jen caught our two little men having their own private jam session.

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