But a new, major event occurred which has prompted this latest update. I knew it would eventually happen, but when it did it hit me harder than I thought it would. Folks, I've been replaced as the number one gal in the house. Much to my delight, Kylie has not only taken a hold of her daddy's heart but she also managed another major break through-- a coveted photo spot at daddy's office work space which is HUGE. That in itself told me I was out and she was in.
Now you might wonder how I know this since my week days are filled with trips to school and play dates, coupled with the fact that I have never set foot in the hubby's office, but I learned of my fall from grace after a conversation with the hubby recently. One day we happened to be talking about her and who she favors more. During the conversation, the hubby casually threw in, "Our janitor thinks she looks like me because of her big eyes." I laughed and asked if the janitor looked at a photo from his phone, and here is where the hubby sort of laughed at me and replied with, "No, I have her picture as my screen saver on my computer." Up until then I knew she had made her way to the number one spot, but it wasn't until that moment that her position was truly solidified. In the last nine years of the hubby having a desk and office space he has never placed a picture of me anywhere, either in a frame or on a computer screen. I don't even think his first born son ever made the cut.
So as I watch her grow and change from the sidelines, I can understand why she she's moved in. Heck, even her brother is smitten with her, and how can I compete with that.