Monday, September 6, 2010

Margarita Anyone?

Many of you know I am a big fan of margaritas, and I am loyal through and through to the traditional lime margarita. I'll take it frozen or on the rocks, anyway I can get it. My hubby on the other hand is an avid whisky man with his brand of choice being Crown Royal. Knowing this about him you might be surprised to know that if he orders a margarita, it's usually mango flavored. (I know, a whisky man drinking a mango margarita.) Anyway, a couple winters ago we went on this crazy kick where every Friday night we stayed in and made frozen margaritas. There we were with the temperature outside somewhere in the low-to mid-20's with an even colder windchill, the fire place blazing and our margaritas in hand. I guess maybe we were thinking if we could simulate a warm environment inside then it wouldn't feel so bad once we ventured out. Well I share this story because a couple weeks ago, I came across the greatest thing I have ever seen at the grocery store - margarita in a box. For those of you who enjoy margaritas, I strongly recommend you try it. It is really good and tastes similar to something I can order from one of my favorite Mexican restaurants back home. As a couple of my girlfriends might say, "It's no margerator, but it looks like it will do."


Kindergarten. We came, we saw, we are conquering (or in my case coping)

Well, we did it. We survived the start of kindergarten, we are six weeks in to be exact and moving right along like a well-oiled, sight-word...