Monday, November 21, 2011

Parents Gone Wild

Last month the hubby and I enjoyed a rare opportunity to go away for a weekend, just the two of us, without our favorite third wheel tagging along. The chance to celebrate a friend's wedding in New Orleans lured us away from our parental duties for those few days. My friend Jessica and her husband Mark will forever be remembered as the ones who got us to go away on our first real vacation without Braedan. Having the opportunity to spend time with friends, whether they are near or far, is something I greatly cherish nowadays given that time and distance may prevent it from happening as often as I'd like. And I can't imagine another city to have done it in than New Orleans.

And I couldn't help but laugh at ourselves during that weekend, because someone could capitalize on situations like these...follow parents with cameras while they go away without their kids and create a "Parents Gone Wild" franchise. I say this because while the hubby and I were there we did things we haven't done in ages, like stay up until 3am, drink before 2pm and, a biggie for me, wear shoes that weren't flip flops, ballet flats, or tennis shoes for an extended period of time. As you can imgaine, we had the best time and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to spend some alone time with the hubby and catch up with old friends.
Our first night in New Orleans
The hubby listening to a jazz band on the steps of the courthouse on the following day.

Taking in more of the sites that same day

And, last but not least, the few things I miss about living in Chicago.

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