Yesterday he competed in one of the most physically grueling races--a Tough Mudder. If you're unfamiliar with it, it is a 12 mile course consisting of obstacles designed to test one's strength and endurance. Participants are asked to scale walls, swim, crawl and even take electrical shock to make it to the end, and just looking at Tough Mudder's Web site these obstacles are not for the occasional exerciser.
But being the confident, cool cucumber that he is the only evidence I have of his participation, besides pictures, are the war wounds he sustained from drudging through this course. Aside from some scratches, bruises and a tender ankle, he says he is not sore at all which is good for his almost 34-year old body.
It was fun watching him prepare for this on two counts. First off, it takes a lot to get him excited about something and who wants to get excited about running 12 miles with the possibility of getting electrocuted. Well he and the five friends he participated with decided to accessorize themselves with the creepiest, or funniest in their opinion, thing you can imagine. Mustaches. Yes, Mustache Ride as they called themselves decided man's hairy best friend would help them scale, crawl, and swim whatever came their way. And who can the wives thank for seeing their men grow out these lovely things? My hubby of course. But I can't complain though, because like I said this was part of the fun of watching him prepare.
The second thing I enjoyed was just watching him have fun with it in general. I know a big part of what he has enjoyed about his career is the camaraderie he builds with work friends so it was fun to see and hear the stories of him getting a taste of that at this event. He will downplay how much he looked forward to this but for someone who didn't seem too excited, he certainly went out of his way to make sure his team was prepared. He hosted and cooked a pasta dinner for his teammates and their families. I didn't have to lift too much of a finger. I only prepared bruschetta, because selfishly I've always wanted to make it and since a big group was coming, I had the perfect excuse.
So there you have it. The mustache appearance from my blog post of a couple weeks ago stemmed from one of his crazy ideas.
Here is Mustache Ride the night before the event...
and after, they all survived...
and the creepy man behind the vision.